Projects: Matiu /Somes Island Quarantine Station Information and Display Kiosk

Matiu/Somes Information and Display Kiosk
Matiu /Somes Island, in Wellington Harbor, New Zealand, is unusual in that it is both a protected nature reserve and also a historic site with the handful of buildings on the Island protected as nationally significant heritage buildings. Access to the island is carefully controlled by DOC in order to preserve the islands natural flora and fauna as well as the buildings.
The information and display kiosk for the old animal quarantine station was a challenging and fun project as it needed to have a very low environmental impact and the only access to the island is by boat. Most of the material for the stand was recycled from the island, and the small percentage of new materials (drawer runners mainly) was brought in by boat and tramped up the track. The project built on previous work I had done for DOC with the Turnbull House Information Stand.
Location: Matiu/Somes Island, Wellington, New Zealand - Installed October 2010
Designer: Tim Wigmore.
Curator: Paulette Wallace (Department of Conservation).
Installation Team: Tim Wigmore, Rebecca Asquith, and DOC Rangers.
For more information on the project visit the News page here.
For more information on Matiu / Somes Island visit DOC.